

Cover letter 怎么写?参考模板分享

时间:2024年06月20日 分类:SCI论文百科 次数:

sci论文发表涉及的细节比较多,投稿时要准备的材料要齐全,其中Cover Letter是很重要的,那么 Cover letter 怎么写?有没有相应的参考模板? 接下来在这里分享Cover letter的相关事宜,对大家顺利发表论文是有帮助的。 Cover letter也就是投稿信,是向期刊编辑部说明你工

  sci论文发表涉及的细节比较多,投稿时要准备的材料要齐全,其中Cover Letter是很重要的,那么Cover letter 怎么写?有没有相应的参考模板?接下来在这里分享Cover letter的相关事宜,对大家顺利发表论文是有帮助的。


  Cover letter也就是投稿信,是向期刊编辑部说明你工作的重要文件,是和编辑沟通的第一步,编辑看到这封信件,可能会有好的第一印象,可以提升论文评审的机会,Cover Letter写作要包含这些部分:标题和地址、尊敬的编辑姓名、引言、论文简介、研究的创新性和重要性、致谢和声明、联系方式、结束语。

  Cover letter常用例句参考:


  "Our study investigates the impact of [specific variable] on [specific outcome] in [context]."

  "This research aims to address the gap in [specific field] by examining [specific aspect]."


  "We found that [key finding], which suggests [implication]."

  "Our results indicate that [key result], providing new insights into [relevant field]."


  "This manuscript represents original work and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere."

  "The findings reported in this study have not been previously published."


  "We believe that our findings are particularly relevant to the readers of [Journal Name] because [reason]."

  "This study's relevance to [specific field] makes it a suitable candidate for publication in [Journal Name]."

  Cover letter 参考模板一、

  Dear Dr. [Editor’s Last Name],

  I am writing to submit our manuscript entitled “[Title of the Manuscript]” for consideration for publication in [Journal Name]. Our study explores [briefly describe the study's purpose and significance]. We have found [summarize the key findings and their implications]. We believe these findings provide [describe the potential impact and relevance to the field]. This manuscript represents original work and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. All authors have approved the manuscript and agree with its submission to [Journal Name]. We look forward to your feedback and are available to address any questions or provide further information. Thank you for considering our submission. Sincerely,

  [Your Name]

  [Your Position]

  [Your Contact Information]

  Cover letter 参考模板一、

  Dear Dr. [Editor-in-Chief's Last Name],

  I am pleased to submit our manuscript entitled “[Title of Your Manuscript]” for consideration for publication in [Journal Name]. This work presents [brief summary of your study, including main findings and significance]. We believe our findings offer significant insights into [related field/discipline] and will be of great interest to your readership.

  In this study, we [briefly describe the methodology, key results, and implications of your work]. These findings contribute to the ongoing research on [related topic/field] by [explain how your work advances knowledge or understanding in this area]. The manuscript includes novel insights such as [mention any novel findings or methodologies], which we believe will stimulate further research and discussion within the scientific community.

  We confirm that this manuscript has not been published elsewhere and is not under consideration by another journal. All authors have approved the manuscript and agree with its submission to [Journal Name]. There are no conflicts of interest to declare.

  We look forward to your favorable consideration of our manuscript. Please feel free to contact me at [Your Email] or [Your Phone Number] if you require any additional information. Thank you for your time and consideration.


  [Your Name]

  [Your Affiliation]

  [Your Contact Information]

  Cover letter 参考模板一、

  Dear Dr. [Editor-in-Chief's Last Name],

  I am writing to submit our manuscript entitled “[Title of Your Manuscript]” for publication in [Journal Name]. This paper explores [brief summary of the research topic], and we have identified several key findings that [describe the significance of your research]. We believe this manuscript will provide valuable contributions to the field of [related field/discipline].

  The research presented in this manuscript was conducted using [briefly describe the methodology or experimental design]. Our key findings include [list major findings or results], which have important implications for [describe the impact or potential applications of your research]. This work addresses a critical gap in the literature on [specific topic] and provides a new perspective on [related topic].

  This manuscript is original, has not been published before, and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. All authors have approved the manuscript and agree with its submission to [Journal Name]. We declare no conflicts of interest associated with this work.

  We recommend the following experts as potential reviewers for this manuscript:

  [Reviewer 1's Name, Affiliation, Email]

  [Reviewer 2's Name, Affiliation, Email]

  [Reviewer 3's Name, Affiliation, Email]

  We appreciate your consideration of our manuscript for publication. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or need further information. Thank you for your time and consideration.

  Yours sincerely,

  [Your Name]

  [Your Affiliation]

  [Your Contact Information]

  上述就是Cover letter 写作的相关知识,作者在写作时要注意其中的细节,自己的投稿信要有突出的重点,才能给编辑留下好的第一印象,进入审核的机会才能提升,更多细节也可以请专业人员把关,少走一些弯路。


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